Running the MetaWards model

MetaWards implements a national-scale stochastic metapopulation model of disease transmission in Great Britain.

Below is a quick guide to install and run MetaWards. Note however that the model is being actively developed, and for the latest information and documentation, the official website should be consulted.

The MetaWards model can be installed with pip. To install for a user without root access, do

pip install --user metawards

The metawards executable is now available from the command line. At the time of writing this, the most recent version of MetaWards is

metawards --version

            metawards version 0.10.0

            -- Source information --
                 branch: master
revision: 56949a79ae23b0b9a1310d2a74b37830c1ea3af5
    last modified: 2020-04-27T13:06:36+0100

          -- Additional information --
Visit for more information
  about metawards, its authors and its license

To be able to run MetaWards simulations, we have to provide input data from the MetaWards data repository, and model parameters through a configuration file:

git clone
echo "0.9, 0.9, 0.2, 0.9, 0.9" > inputs.csv

The model parameters and different ways of specifying them are documented at

To run metawards with this input data and parameters, use

METAWARDSDATA=/path/to/MetaWardsData metawards --input inputs.csv

By default the output is written to a new subdirectory output.