The purpose of this vignette is to demonstrate the use of MOGP for quantile kriging and, in particular, how to use it for prediction. I also explain why sampling for quantile kriging prediction is necessary.

First, as ususal, I will set a pointer to mogp_emulator and source the right files from our R implementation ExeterUQ_MOGP. See here for more information.

mogp_dir <- "~/Dropbox/BayesExeter/mogp_emulator"

Load the data and some libraries for data manipulation.

data <- read_csv("data/Quantile_Emulation_MOGP/lads_by_day_cumulative_79.csv")

I extract the data names and then perform some manipulation so that there are no unusual characters in the variable strings.

tnames <- names(data)[-c(1:5)]
## [1] "Adur"         "Allerdale"    "Amber Valley" "Arun"        
## [5] "Ashfield"

Click here to see the string collapsing

for(i in 1:length(tnames)){
  tsplit <- strsplit(tnames[i],split=" ")[[1]]
    tnames[i] <- paste(tsplit,collapse = "")
for(i in 1:length(tnames)){
  tsplit <- strsplit(tnames[i],split="-")[[1]]
    tnames[i] <- paste(tsplit,collapse = "")
for(i in 1:length(tnames)){
  tsplit <- strsplit(tnames[i],split=",")[[1]]
    tnames[i] <- paste(tsplit,collapse = "")
for(i in 1:length(tnames)){
  tsplit <- strsplit(tnames[i],split="'")[[1]]
    tnames[i] <- paste(tsplit,collapse = "")

Now let’s divide the data into inputs and outputs

data_frame <- as.matrix(data)
X <- data_frame[,1:5]
y <- data_frame[,7:ncol(data_frame)]

This step is controversial and square roots the data to ensure all output is positive. There are other approaches here that might be better. A major issue is that we do have \(0\) infections in a lot of spots, and so we might need a model that uses that idea. This vignette is focussed on getting a quantile emulator working with mogp.

y <- sqrt(y)

Let’s split into training and testing data

X_valid <- X[126:200,]
y_valid <- y[126:200,]
X <- X[1:125,]
y <- y[1:125,]

The following function (QK_data(X,y)) extracts the quantiles for every output, it’s a bit long so click here to see it (it’s a slight adaptation of Evan’s code).

QK_data <- function(X, y){
  full_output <- as.matrix(y)
  output_dim <- ncol(full_output)
  quantile_dfs <- list()
  y1 <- full_output[,1]
  quantile_df <- data.frame(X = X, y1 = y1)
  quantile_df <-  quantile_df %>% group_by_at(vars(names(quantile_df)[1:(length(X[1,]))])) %>% summarise("0.025" = quantile(y1, 0.025), "0.25" = quantile(y1, 0.25), "0.5" = quantile(y1, 0.5), "0.75" = quantile(y1, 0.75), "0.975" = quantile(y1, 0.975))
  final_df <-  quantile_df %>% gather(Quantile, y1, "0.025":"0.975")
  names(final_df)[ncol(final_df)] <- tnames[1]
  for(i in 2:ncol(full_output)){
    y1 <- full_output[,i]
    quantile_df <- data.frame(X = X, y1 = y1)
    quantile_df <-  quantile_df %>% group_by_at(vars(names(quantile_df)[1:(length(X[1,]))])) %>% summarise("0.025" = quantile(y1, 0.025), "0.25" = quantile(y1, 0.25), "0.5" = quantile(y1, 0.5), "0.75" = quantile(y1, 0.75), "0.975" = quantile(y1, 0.975))
    quantile_df <- quantile_df %>% gather(Quantile, y1, "0.025":"0.975")
    final_df <- merge(final_df, quantile_df)
    names(final_df)[ncol(final_df)] <- tnames[i]

Run the function to obtain the quantile data and ensure the format is right for ExeterUQ_MOGP.

final_df <- QK_data(X,y)
Noise <- rnorm(nrow(final_df),0,0.4)
tData <- cbind(final_df[,1:6],Noise,final_df[,7:ncol(final_df)])
tData$Quantile <- as.numeric(tData$Quantile)

Now we fit all of the emulators. This function takes approximately 2 minutes on my laptop. Currently this will be unavailable for windows users due to the hyperthreading, but a fix is being worked on for this.

MetaEmulatorsAll <- BuildNewEmulators(tData, HowManyEmulators = ncol(tData)-7, meanFun = "linear", kernel = "Matern52",additionalVariables = names(tData)[1:6])

The following function is long but is kind of the point of the vignette, so I will show it. The idea is to use the parallel predictive speed to draw quantile samples for the whole UK at the same time. Before we get into it, a little bit of theory will explain why we need this sampling step.

Let the output of Metawards for a given input vector \(x\) be \(Y(x)\). Dropping \(x\) for notational convenience (just imagine it’s there throughout), the pdf of \(Y\) is \(f(y)\) and is unknown. Let \(q\) be a quanitle of \(Y\) then our emulator is effectively \[Y\mid q \sim \mathrm{GP}(m(q), V(q))\] and so we have \(f(y\mid q)\) and more importantly we can sample from it. The standard marginalisation trick, \[f(y) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(y,q)dq = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f_Y(y\mid q)f_Q(q)dq,\] so that, we can integrate \(q\) using Monte Carlo by sampling from \(f_Q(q)\).
Click here for details if this is unclear. If we sample from \(f(y,q)\) and only keep the \(y\) samples, we have a valid sample from \(f(y)\). It is this trick that makes much of MCMC work. Here, if we can sample from \(f_Q(q)\), then we can plug the \(q\) samples into our GP, draw a sample from that (\(f(y\mid q)\)) and the Metawards realisation alone is a sample from \(f(y)\).
Carrying on, the actual values of the quantiles are values of the cdf \(F(y)\)! So \(f_Q(q) = 1\) (we learn this in my Bayesian course, see the clickable below), and we can sample \(q\) from \(\mathrm{Unif}(0,1)\).

Why does the cdf have a uniform distribution? It’s a calculation every 3rd year Bayesian knows by heart! Let \(W = F(Y)\), then the CDF of random quantity \(W\) is \[\begin{align*} P(W\leq w) &= P(F(X)\leq w)\\ &= P(F^{-1}F(X)\leq F^{-1}(w)) \\ &= P(X\leq F^{-1}(w)) = FF^{-1}(w) = w. \end{align*}\] So \(f(w) = \frac{dF}{dw} = 1\) and \(W \sim \mathrm{Unif}(0,1).\)

So to obtain samples from the distribution of \(Y\) we need to sample the quantiles and then sample the conditional GP. This function uses to parallel optimisation features of MOGP to obtain the samples efficiently for Design, a given prediction design and use those to obtain desired quantiles.

QuantilePrediction <- function(Design, mogp, numSamples=1000, 
                               Quantiles = c(0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95)){
  #'@param Design The design matrix where predictions are required.
  #'@param mogp An mogp emulator
  #'@param numSamples how many quantile samples are used for each Design.
  #'@param Quantiles Which quantiles of the samples to return. 
  N <- dim(Design)[1]
  tsamples <- runif(numSamples*N) #Quantile samples
  mogpDesign <- cbind(repmat(Design, numSamples,1),tsamples) #Expanding design to do all in one parallel prediction
  names(mogpDesign)[dim(mogpDesign)[2]] <- "Quantile"
  tpreds <- mogp$mogp$predict(mogpDesign, deriv=FALSE) #Emulator predictions in 1 shot. Coming GPU features will make these even more efficient.
  Draws <- sapply(1:mogp$mogp$n_emulators, function(k) rnorm(length(tsamples), mean = tpreds$mean[k,], sd= sqrt(tpreds$unc[k,]))) #For each GP mean and variance, draw a single realisation $Y$.
  #Trick now we have fast samples, is combining correctly and remembering there is a multi-wards issue!
  QuantNames <- names(quantile(runif(100),probs=Quantiles))
  Output <- array(NA, dim=c(N,length(Quantiles),mogp$mogp$n_emulators),dimnames=list(NULL,QuantNames,tnames[1:mogp$mogp$n_emulators]))#Assuming building the first few emulators otherwise ward names will be wrong.
  IndexSequence <- seq(from=0, by=numSamples, length.out = N)
  for(i in 1:N){
    Output[i,,] <- apply(Draws[IndexSequence+i,],2,quantile, probs=Quantiles)
  Output #Note there may be a tidy efficient way to do this combination

Note that the function produces a 3D array with dimensions \(N\times Q \times M\) where \(N\) is the number of new prediction locations, \(Q\) is the number of quantiles returned and \(M\) is the number of outputs or wards.

Calling the function to predict the validation set

APred <- QuantilePrediction(X_valid, mogp=MetaEmulatorsAll, numSamples = 1000)

We can once again produce predictions for the validation set. I will do this for the local authorities in the South West.

NewNames <- c("BathandNorthEastSomerset", "BristolCityof", "Cornwall", "EastDevon", "EastDorset", "Exeter", "IslesofScilly", "MidDevon", "NorthDevon", "Plymouth", "SouthHams", "SouthSomerset", "Torbay", "WestDevon", "WestDorset", "WestSomerset")
SouthWestPred <- APred[,,which(dimnames(APred)[[3]] %in% NewNames)]
SouthWestValid <- y_valid[,which(dimnames(APred)[[3]] %in% NewNames)]
SouthWestPred <- SouthWestPred^2 #Undoing the sqrt
SouthWestValid <- SouthWestValid^2 #Undoing the sqrt

A tidy solution would mean this part of the code would not be so clunky. Here is a plotting function to look at the emulator performance for any input and local authority:

PlotLocalAuthority <- function(, which.x=1){
  Valid <- SouthWestValid[,] >= SouthWestPred[,1,] & SouthWestValid[,] <=   SouthWestPred[,5,]
    geom_point(aes(x=X_valid[,which.x], y= SouthWestPred[,3,]))+
    geom_errorbar(aes(x=X_valid[,which.x], ymin = SouthWestPred[,1,],ymax=SouthWestPred[,5,]))+
    geom_point(aes(x=X_valid[Valid,which.x], y = SouthWestValid[Valid,]), colour = "blue")+
    geom_point(aes(x=X_valid[!Valid,which.x], y = SouthWestValid[!Valid,]), colour = "red")+

Now plotting the validation sets across the Southwest:

for(i in 1:length(NewNames)){

Of course the performance here is questionable as the data only has 5 repeats per run. We should therefore not expect to have actually emulated the quantiles. More repeats will unlock whether this analysis is feasible.

Where next?